There were 18 of us who made the trek down to San Carlos in 6 airplanes, landing at nearby Guaymas Airport. The weather there was perfect. The Marina Terra Hotel and Spa provided a nice logistical location for the group as many went kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding and snorkeling at the hotel beach club nearby. On Algodones Beach, we had takers for horseback swimming (yes, they took the horses in the ocean!) and others went regular horseback riding on the beach. The dolphins gave us a fantastic show as did the sunset on our Hattie Annie Margarita Sunset Cruise. The margaritas weren’t bad either! Our “toes in the sand” dining at Sunsets was a real treat as we watched the sunset and listened to a local band. Nearby the popular Soggy Peso Bar received some of our “soggy pesos’ during the weekend. Rumor has it that Sally and Eric Kinder made it to the top of Tetakawi Mountain, the well-known landmark in the middle of San Carlos. It’s quite a hike but the view is breathtaking. Kudos to Sally and Eric! For a little down time, the pool and jacuzzi were popular. On our last night we had 16 of us in the jacuzzi after dinner! Overall it was a fun trip with a fantastic group of people. Thank you Patti and Tom for arranging a fantastic trip and for sharing your favorite Mexico getaway with fellow DAFers!