For our October Fly In, 27 DAFers, 9 planes and 2 cars joined up in Williams, Arizona. With weather threatening to move in before the departure on Sunday, there were only 6 cancellations. One group drove their car all the way and 2 planes landed in Bullhead KIFP and drove into Williams. 3 planes landed at Williams KCMR and 4 chose to use Flagstaff KFLG.

On Friday night after Happy Hour, we had a group dinner at Rod’s, a local steak house that has been in Williams on Route 66 since 1946.

On Saturday morning before the train ride to the Grand Canyon, we watched a short poker game gone wrong western shoot out. We then boarded the train for the trip to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Because it was the first Saturday of the month, we were being pulled by a steam locomotive. As we traveled, we were treated to fruits, pastry and drinks. Many of us enjoyed the ride from the outside platform of the Parlor Car.

As we neared our destination, it began to rain. Many of us went on a bus shuttle tour of the canyon and some others went hiking. Spectacular rainbows developed over the canyon as the rain subsided. After lunch we boarded the train for the return to Williams. On our way we were treated to local guitarists and our train was robbed.

Back in Williams, we all gathered for Happy Hour as thunder storms were moving into our area. Afterwards, small groups gathered for dinner. As the evening progressed, the thunder and lightning were giving us quite a show.

We woke up on Sunday morning to a blanketing of snow. Peter and Rick wisely arranged to have their planes in hangars for the night. The weather broke long enough that we were all able to depart and make it home.

Thank You for attending our Fly In and making our trip to Williams and the Grand Canyon a fun and memorable experience. A special thank you to Craig and Jody Narr for organizing 
a terrific fly-in. Everyone had a terrific time.