November46D0C773 3C20 4277 873D 4D18D0CD2198-9251's Mystery Fly-in was a real head scratcher this year. Our elite group of test subjects spent the first part of the morning mulling over the devious questions our fly-in committee came up with. It became clear that they had taken obfuscation to a new level as groans were heard from the crowd. After working through the test and unscrambling the airport name to find our destination, the intrepid group headed out to lunch at San Gabriel Valley Airport (better known as El Monte Airport). THe usual Mystery Jinx showed up as well; Kelvin had a bum brake in his 150 that kept him grounded, and Robert's group in the Bonanza did a return to base with a power issue. For the 12 people that made it to lunch it was a nice flight over and an excellent lunch. The flight back was hazier, as the smoke from the Woolsey fire had started to blow in. Otherwise, another great flight and fly-in!