Lompoc fly in crewsOne would think a winter flight to the central coast in a year dominated by clouds and rain would be gray and windswept, with opportunities to practice IFR procedures or drive wet roads and add an extra layer of warm clothes to fend off the elements. But as we all know, DAFers are resourceful and adapt to what nature throws at them. So when a dramatic change in the winter weather forced seventeen DAFers to fly VFR through bright, cloudless skies to reach Lompoc (KLPC) for our March Fly-in, they rose to the occasion.
Undaunted by temperatures in the lower 70s and light breezes in Lompoc, some drove through emerald-green hills to walk along the wide beaches at Jalama Beach, climbed to vistas at Lookout Point or visited period-dressed docents at La Purisima Mission and learned about eighteenth-century mission life. At one point on Saturday, they did retreat inside to taste wine at two wineries in the Wine Ghetto, but only to comply with laws on public drinking in an industrial park.

Weather was not the only unexpected aspect of the trip.
Unexpectedly, we were offered dinner in a private dining room Friday and again for Lunch on Saturday! The intrepid group adapted quickly to this good luck. And even though we had accidentally booked dinner Saturday at two restaurants 20 miles apart, the folks at the Italian-family-run La Botte were gracious and served us a delicious meal.
As further evidence of the agility of DAF members, a few who could not make the full weekend, flew out to join us in Lompoc. Mitch and Vince flew out for lunch Saturday and then Peter and Mitch (with copilot Jan) flew out again Sunday to have lunch with the Lompoc expedition stragglers and enjoy the continuing perfect weather. Lompoc airport

The tally was 7 planes (one twice), one car, 17 Dafers, two wineries and a lot of fun exploring the area. Thanks to all that came and showed how resourceful and adaptive DAFers are and how we strive to make the best of our opportunities.