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thumb IMG 2696The next Del Amo Flyers lunch fly-out event is scheduled Saturday September 10th to March ARB. The field is open to the public now and we have secured ramp space at Million Air FBO on the southeast corner of the airport, off the right side approach end of Runway 32. They have fuel and we encourage you to buy some (price 8/2 was $5.27/Gal) to help support them, as they are allowing us to use their crew vehicles to transport our members to the Museum across the runway for a lunch. There is an airport landing fee of $5.00 payable to Million Air.

Our catered sit-down lunch starts at 11:30AM and includes tea, water and a fix-it-yourself Taco Bar with all included. Following lunch, free roaming through the museum is encouraged and the Million Air vehicles will transport you back to Million Air for the flight back to home base. Cost for this will be $25 per person and includes lunch, a private dining area and transportation (does not include the landing fee).

This will be a fun and unique event and we hope you'll be able to come!  Pre-registration is required since we need to provide tail numbers to Million Air prior to arriving. There will be a preflight briefing at the GAC at 10AM.