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You are receiving this email because you signed up as a potential volunteer for Mary Falstrom's Memorial Reception at the Western Museum of Flight tomorrow afternoon at 4PM. The list below identifies the volunteer activity that we would like you to support. The volunteer areas involve the following:

  • Setup: Assist in setting up the tables, chairs and other equipment for the reception. This will commence at approximately 12:30PM. Only people who are not intending to attend the 2PM church service should be on this list. In addtion to the people listed below, there will be many WMOF staff to assist in this. Cindy Macha and WMOF personnel coordinate setup.
  • Parking. We will be setting up an on airport parking area between the East T area and Robinson facility for people with on-airport driving access. This will free up parking at the General Aviation Terminal and other outside-airport parking areas for attendees who do not have on-airport access. This activity will involve directing people to the designated on-airport parking area and driving shuttles between parking and the reception. Anne O'Brien will coordinate this activity.
  • Food Set-up. Food will arrive at approximately 3:45PM. A Falstrom family member or other designee will coordinate this.
  • Teardown: Teardown will begin after the flyover is finished (~5:30PM) and will be coordinated by Cindy Macha or WMOF staff.

We had many volunteers signup to help. If your name is not listed with an assignment, please try to check-in with Cindy Macha (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 714-300-5524), Anne O'Brien (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 310-569-3393) or Larry Chapman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 310-200-9314) once you are at the reception to see if additional help is needed.

The Falstrom family is very grateful for your help.

Last Name Volunteer Assignment
Bardolph Parking
Broen Food
Churchill Parking
Fossett Food
Gates Food
Gibbs Setup
Howard Parking
Jay Setup
Kinder Food
LaGrelius Reception
Lamping Food
Mettey Parking
Narr Teardown
OBrien Parking
Perdigao Parking
Shaw Teardown
Smith Teardown
Wheeler Teardown