
To all DAFers...You may remember that Palos Verdes Golf Club raised the cost for our monthly dinners beginning in 2017 which resulted in a price increase to $35 per person. At the same time, PVGC discontinued using annual contracts for monthly events and moved to month-to-month contracts. While this gave PVGC the option to change pricing during the course of the year, our fees did not change during 2017.

We were recently informed that PVGC will increase pricing for 2018 and also institute a fixed facility fee of $250 per event. What this means is that the club will need to charge $45 per person going forward. This amount will just cover the PVGC charges - the club does not make any money on dinners and plans to pay for speaker dinners and the wine by drawing from its existing treasury.

We recognize that a jump from $35 to $45 is significant and that it may pose a financial issue for some members. PVGC has advised us that pricing for the club's dinners is still significantly lower that the prices charged for single (non-monthly) events. And while the DAF board acknowledges that the dinners are becoming somewhat pricey, the board is not aware of any less expensive alternative venues that can provide similar food offerings and an environment suitable for a speaker's presentation. As always, if any DAFer has ideas or suggestions about alternative venue, please let any board member know.