August is usually fly-in free, but this year we had a special treat. Steve and Nancy arranged a trip to Drakesbad Guest Ranch in Lassen Volcanic National Park. 23 DAFers flew (or drove) to Chester, CA, and then headed into the park for the weekend. The scenery was gorgeous, and there were plenty of places to hike or ride to. Eric Kinder and Roger Hoh even caught fish, if their version of things is to be believed. No photographic evidence was produced, so anything could have happened!
Some people went horseback riding, and the pool got a lot of use afterward. Dusty trails were the rule, so a good rinse was essential! At night, the pool provided a great location for stargazing, as the area is truly dark at night. No light pollution up here. The nightly campfire provided a great place for S'mores, nightcaps and a chance for everyone to share their adventures. 
The food was excellent, and the service was ideal. The staff at Drakesbad were all friendly and helpful, and right there when you needed anything. They made everyone feel right at home. 
A fantastic trip, with great weather to boot! Thanks to Steve and Nancy for setting this up.