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jackkenton100 Years of Naval Aviation in Photos.
Jack Kenton, a long standing member of the DAF, joined the Navy as an aviation cadet in 1958. After training that included carrier landing training in the T-38C, he was designated a Naval Aviator, then was sent to Airborne Early Warning. Based in Hawaii, he flew Lockheed Constellations on 14 hour missions from Miday to the Aleutian Islands and back as an extension of the DEW line watching for Soviet bombers. Later he flew missions around the edges of the Soviet Bloc, and electronic intelligence missions around Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. After the Navy, he joined Pan American and became a flight engineer on the B707, then ended up at the FAA where he was an Aviation Safety Inspector (Operations) in the air carrier specialty. He was also flying as a Naval Reservist and later with the Army Reserve. Over the years, his ratings and qualifications have included the C121, C45, C47, S2, U11, B707, Nord 262, Convair 580, L1011, C118. And UH-1.