Del Amo Flyers Photo Gallery
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How many pilots does it take to read a chart?
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Got popcorn?
"As I explained to the gentleman earlier, the casino cannot accept an aircraft as a wager - no matter how awesome the aircraft is"image4 image4
IMG 0914 1369 IMG 0914 1369Being a pilot would be a lot more fun if it weren't for all the damn paparazzi.
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Think they'd take a King Air in trade?
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OK, who forgot their plane?
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The infamous Lenticulus Propelius cloud formation...
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All right, who's ready for lunch?!
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This is a very symbolic photo, rich in meaning. But hell if I could come up with an appropriate caption.
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Craig Narr is forced to kneel in apology after creating a disturbance with the local Boy Scout group at July's Annual Flaming Brisket. His pleas for forgiveness went unheeded.
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Honey, you left the helicopter out again!
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Greg Bloomstadt demonstrates basic aerodynamic principles at the March 2 Santa Ynez picnic fly-in. He unfortunately wasn't able to get airborne due to light winds.
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DAFers enjoying a beautiful autumn sunset in Sonora, CA.
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And yet they all made it to the correct airport...
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Ready to go (right after my nap)!
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"We'll try this more time... you put your right foot in..."
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So who did you say was buying?
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The spectacular Sunken Garden at Victoria's Butchart Gardens
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Laughlin Fly-In attendees pose for a photo after Friday night's dinner cruise.
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Check six....
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Just lean a little further...