On Saturday May 18th 24 DAFERS in 11 airplanes made it to the Tehachapi Airport and made the short walk over to the Red House BBQ. With the weather we had earlier in the week it was questionable if the winds and rain were going to take a break, but the skies cleared and predicted winds were supposed to arrive late afternoon. Briefing and departure were extra busy at KTOA with the preparations for Armed Forces Day, but we got a front row preview of the aircraft, military and police that were staging for parade later in the day. So those on the fly in were treated to a wonderful trip to Tehachapi, and even better was the BBQ at Red House BBQ.
Red House BBQ is a popular place with locals and draws a pretty good crowd from all over, we were rewarded by great BBQ and weather was nice enough to sit outside. They had many choices on the menu which made it hard to decide, but we all managed somehow.
On the way home a couple of people took an aerial view of the Tehachapi loop. We all beat the predicted winds and weather coming home. All in all it was a great time and the weather cooperated.