October 12th 2019 was the Del Amo Flyer's annual Mystery Fly-in
We had 6 Teams which ended up being 11.5 contestants.
The test was composed of 27 questions for a total of 205 points.
It was a timed quiz, so in addition to answering questions correctly, points are awarded or deducted according to the total time used to take the quiz.
First, a little review of a couple of questions:
What is this?
a. DAF First Mystery Fly-in Award
b. Young Eagles Excellence Award
c. DAF Jim Gerlach Memorial Air Rally Trophy
d. None of the above
Extra Credit – Used in a tie breaker
Which Fly-in this year had the greatest attendance? ____________
And a scrambler, shame shame shame...
LAEDLSEYMOFR __________________________
After the tests were in, teams had to unscramble to determine where they where headed.
A scrambler works well for this:
RNLFLYEACHVE __________________________
Everyone headed out once they turned in their destinations.
It ended up being a wonderful weather day, we all met up at the restaurant in French Valley for a great lunch and ended up with 13.5 people.
Now on to the answers:
What is this?
c. DAF Jim Gerlach Memorial Air Rally Trophy
Extra Credit – Used in a tie breaker
Answer: Bermuda Dunes had the greatest attendance of 45 people
The scramble... LAEDLSEYMOFR Answer: Del Amo Flyers
On to the results:
We had:
6 Teams
11.5 contestants
2 committee
27 questions
Perfect score would be 205
High Score 155
Low 45
And the winner was: Mitch Taylor