Reports on Past Dinners and Zoom meetings

joomplu:2750DAFers Celebrate End of Civilization As We Know It.

Despite the bothersome presence of zombies, cross-border raids by Texan irregulars, and diminishing supplies of margarita salt, over 90 DAFers put on a brave face and celebrated at the Del Amo Flyers annual hangar party on August 25.

Post-apocalypse hipsters Craig and Jody Narr manned the the Bombs Away Bar ("Falling Since 2019") which was, in an example of disastrous planning, located next to "Ye Olde Vampire Squirrel Shooting Gallery".  Mitch Taylor tried to keep spirits up by hanging pictures that documented the many heroic feats and victories of the Fightin' DAFers since the war of 2019.  

Commander Taylor also helped keep the troops fed with offerings of grilled tri-tip and chicken (sources unspecified), with the assistance of sous chef, Lt. Curtis Hahn.  As far as post-apocalyptic banquets go, the food was pretty good. 

The club is once again very grateful to Lambi and Sally for making their hangar available for the party.  Thanks to all the DAFers who helped with setup and cleanup of this year's event, with special thanks to the Hangar Party planning committee: Mitch and Jan Taylor, Craig and Jody Narr, Peter and Liz Broen, Jodie and Larry Chapman, Mary and Richard Falstrom and our supreme commander Joe Cogan.

More photos here.  

Special Mojito Marinade

There were some great compliments about the chicken at the hangar party. Most of the credit goes to our superlative chefs, Curtis and Larry, for their searing skill. The rest goes to this marinade. A little rum and lime juice improves anything!....Mitch and Jan

1/4 cup chopped fresh mint

1/4 cup rum (the recipe called for white, but I'm an unbiased person so I used gold)

2 tablespoons kosher salt

Finely chopped zest of 1 lime

Juice of three or four limes (about 1/2 cup)

1/3 cup sugar


Mix it all up, put the chicken in it for about 3-4 hours, and grill.