{igallery id=5747|cid=69|pid=2|type=category|children=0|addlinks=1|tags=|limit=1}Our first dinner meeting of 2014 was a great success with almost 60 attendees. Incoming President Wayne Grau presided over his first meeting in command. Despite all predictions, everything went smoothly. (Although past-President Joe Cogan was overheard murmuring "rookie" on several occasions).
New Fly-In chairman Dave Weir spoke about the upcoming Baja whale watching trip on Feb. 21-24, as we'll as future fly-ins to Grass Valley (May) and Gold Beach, OR (July).
Our speaker was Lt. Col. Dean Hunter (USAF ret.), who gave an excellent presentation on his experiences as a U.S. Marine during the Korean War, and as a USAF pilot during the Viet Nam war.