Stacy and Lisa - In Vino Veritas
The January program featured DAFers Stacy Moulton and Lisa Hahn. The girls presented a slide show of their trip to Italy last year - most of the pictures included one or more glasses of wine all complemented with background sound of great Italian music. Great job. Thanks. In vino veritas!
Fate Tempted - Outcome OK
January 15, 2011. After many years of bus tours in fine VFR weather the Del Amo Flyers tested fate and planned a fly-in in January. Considering the never ending rains that we had in December, as the date neared at least one of us was beginning to worry.
Ah, but worry not, Saturday morning we were meet with 200 mile visibility. You could nearly see the runway at Chiriaco Summit from the GAC building.
There was a great turnout with 13 planes, 1 car and 30 SOB's turning up at Chiriaco Summit for a visit to General Patton's museum. For those that have been there before, they knew what to expect, for those that hadn't, this was a wonderfully new experience. The museum has an array of exhibits from WWI through the Afghanistan war as well as the temporary exhibits.
After our tour of the museum and the outdoor tank exhibit we wandered over to the restaurant for lunch and then back to the airport (100yards) for our departure to TOA. ATC had a number of comments wondering what could have brought this many planes from Torrance to Chiriaco, wish I'd have thought to tell them it was a scavenger hunt.