Planetary Rings (Plus Wings!)
The February program was presented by Dave Doody, lead Engineer for real-time flight operations of the Cassini-Huygens Mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Dave showed us "How We Got to Saturn, and What Cassini is Finding" in a very interesting and informative multimedia presentation. Peter found Dave's program inspiring, and is now exploring the idea of a Fly-In to Titan in early 2013. Wings were presented at the meeting to Jessenia Galvan-Lloyd (Mitch and Jan's granddaughter) for creating and presenting her scathing video documentary on the inner workings of the Mystery Fly-In Planning Committee (all committee members subsequently resigned in disgrace). Nice job, Jessenia, and congratulations.
North of the Border...
...Down Calexico Way
Female Flyers Feted
The January program consisted of a historic video featuring "Women in Aviation." Thanks to Mitch and Jan's granddaughter, Jessenia, for editing this video down to a shorter timeframe. Great job, Jesse.
The January dinner meeting was the first time for a few board members to perform their new duties. Kelly and Ray Wolfbrandt did an excellent job at the door (much better than the previous occupants in this Editor's opinion). And Joe Cogan chaired the meeting for the first time as President. Joe campaigned for the presidency under the slogan "I won't embarrass you" and, for the most part, succeeded.
DAFers Meet Rocket Scientists
Despite All Predictions, No Stupid Questions Asked
Our SpaceX hosts were very hospitable - starting off with a multimedia overview of the SpaceX operation followed by a factory tour. The technology was very impressive as was the energy and passion of the SpaceX employees. Everyone took away something different. As he watched a giant keg-like cylinder being welded on a rotating platform, Peter was overheard to mumble "".
Thanks again to Wayne for arranging this fascinating trip.
Christmas Party Great Success
2012 Board Introduced
December 6, 2011. DAF's first Christmas party at the San Pedro Elks Club seemed to be great success. Dressed up in their holiday finest, the approximately 60 attendees imbibed, dined and danced the night away. Tired of trying to convince their male counterparts to dance, the ladies took over the dance floor, formed a circle and proceeded to recreate their own version of Dance Fever. For those of you who did not attend the party, the view from the festive Elks Lodge ballroom was spectacular. Thanks to all of the people who helped put this great event together.
The 2012 DAF Board of Directors was announced at the party. Mitch Taylor, Admiral-for-Life but President-for-Two-Years, stepped down as President (and was promptly recycled as Programs Chairman). Joe Cogan was named by the Board as the new President. A big thanks to Mitch for his two years of leadership and congratulations to Joe on his new position - the Board sincerely hopes that you will successfully make it through the double-secret probationary period.
Three long-time board members, Diana Piper, Lisa Hahn and Wyn Oetken, ended their participation on the board at the end of 2011. The club is very grateful three for all of the time and energy these three people devoted to club activities over the course of many years. Dave Weir also stepped down as Program chair - thanks Dave for a great year of programs.
Two new couples joined the Board: Jody and Craig Narr (Treasurer/Secretary) and Kelly and Ray Wolfbrandt (Door). The Board welcomes these new members and unanimously agreed that, unlike Joe, no probationary period was necessary. The full Board of Directors list for 2012 is as follows:
Position | Board Member |
President | Joe Cogan |
Fly-In Chairman | Peter Broen |
Programs Chairman | Mitch Taylor |
Door | Kelly and Ray Wolfbrandt |
Secretary / Treasurer | Jody and Craig Narr |
Membership | Wayne Grau |
Website/Newsletter Editor - Photographer | Larry and Jodie Chapman |
Decorations | Mary Falstrom |
Mystery No More!
No Threats of Litigation - New Precedent Set
The November program was the awarding of the Mystery Fly-In Trophy to this year's winners, Curtis Hahn and Chuck Livergood. The guys, with the help of the Internet, answered all the quiz questions correctly. They even got most of the tiebreaker questions right. Even more amazing, they showed up for lunch at the correct airport. Congratulations, guys.
Note: This year's Mystery Fly-In was designed by an august committee headed up by Fly-In chairman Wayne Grau. The committee members were Mitch, Larry, Peter, and Joe. A fabulous documentary (expose΄) of the committee's structured, well-honed design process was produced by Jessenia Galvan-Lloyd, Jan and Mitch's granddaughter. It is a good thing, too, because the committee members have no recollection of designing anything. Thank you, Jess.
Also, many thanks to Larry Chapman for putting together a video collage of the July DAF trip to Telluride. Spectacular stuff.