Del Amo Flyers Annual Holiday Party
November Dinner Meeting
During the Del Amo Flyers last regular dinner meeting of the year, Mitch Taylor (substituting for still-in-Mexico Joe Cogan) presented the Wings Award was presented to Stacy Moulton and Chuck Livergood for helping to promote general aviation at TOA by hosting a weekly getogether at their hangar on Sunday afternoons. Congratulations, Chuck and Stacy.
Our speaker for the evening was Dan Delane, who presented an excellent program on his personal experiences flying F-15's in the Aggressor Squadron in Operation Red Flag at Nellis AFB, and subsequently in the Georgia Air National Guard. Dan's presentation included some vintage video of him flying in the Guard, as well as swilling champagne with his fellow pilots in front of their F-15 squadron (it was not made clear whether this was a pre or post flight ritual). More photos here.
Alamos, Mexico
I think I can speak for everyone who had not stayed previously at the Hacienda de los Santos in saying that it greatly exceeded all of our expectations (which were already pretty high based upon Joe and Craig's descriptions). The rooms were incredible, the grounds were stunning, and the staff could not be more accommodating. After checking in, we all gathered at Zapata's Cantina for drinks and appetizers, where Jim Swickard presented each of the pilots who had flown in an official "Club Pilotes of Mexico" ballcap. We then moved to the terrace for a great dinner, and were entertained by both a talented guitarist/singer as well as special music by the group "La Estudiantina". (Click "Read More" below for a full trip report).
Healdsburg Fly-In
The fun started at the happy hour on Friday night and then the group split into two separate groups for dinner in downtown Healdsburg. The next day it was off to wine tasting at various wineries and then a group wine tasting and lunch at the Hanna Winery. Dave had suggested that everyone pick up a box lunch at the Jimtown Store and the lunches were enjoyed by all. After another happy hour on Saturday night , Dave arranged a dinner for the entire group of 14 at the Bear Republic Brewery where we were able to enjoy good beer, wine and food.
This was not the first time Dave has taken us to Healdsburg and hopefully it won't be the last. Thank you again Dave and Earline for a great weekend.
Peter (and Liz), Fly-In Chairman
October Dinner Meeting
A fair number of DAFers dressed up for October's dinner meeting - with costumes ranging from the "tried and true" to the politically incorrect. Prizes were awarded to Mary Falstrom and Joe Cogan for best costumes. The night's scheduled speaker unfortunately had to cancel because of personal reasons, but Mitch had a Plan B and presented a video featuring an ultralight expedition over Africa.
Dinner and Desert
Still recovering from last month's Hangar Party, over 40 DAFers attended the September dinner meeting. Reports were presented on the Las Vegas trip (see below), as well as the status of the upcoming Healdsburg weekend and November's trip to Alamos, Mexico.
The evening's speaker was Dr. Cary Charlin, a practicing dentist who also is the chief medical officer for the California Civil Air Patrol and a lead FAAST representative. Dr. Charlin gave a very interesting presentation in surviving a controlled landing in hotland (i.e., desert) areas. He gave some great advice on what to carry in your aircraft to help survive in the desert.
Beyond the typical items such as water, mirrors, and PLB's, one tidbit that this writer gained from the lecture is that it's beneficial to bring along the elderly and/or children when flying over hotland territories. As Dr. Charlin explained, these people have a much higher risk of not surviving an extended time in the desert, and consequently could be an excellent source of nourishment. Plus, their tiny hands are ideal for exploring crevices and under rocks (there are snakes and spiders out there, people).